Tuesday 9 February 2016

July 20, 2012 | By Michael Ordoña, Special to the Los Angeles Times
"I have eclectic fans because I've had a very eclectic career. When someone comes up to me, they may be from the days of 'The Chosen'; it may be completely from Broadway," says actor Robby Benson. "So I'm never sure what might surprise them the most. Maybe the fact that I'm still alive. " He laughs, but the more one learns about him, the more surprising it becomes that he's alive - after four open-heart surgeries to correct a congenital defect. "People can learn from so many things I did wrong," says Benson by phone from his Cape Code, Mass., home, "that they're not alone when they think they shouldn't tell someone, they think they should pretend it's just indigestion or, if they're feeling blue, say, 'Naw, it's nothing.'" Benson's new interactive iBook, "I'm Not Dead … Yet!
June 5, 2012 | Ben Fritz and Alex Pham
When Chris and Rebecca Rider sit down to watch a romantic movie together, they don't pop in a DVD or turn on the DVR. They fire up their video game console. Once kept in rec rooms for a family's gamers, Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360, Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Co.'s Wii are increasingly being used by people who have no interest in helping Mario save the princess or the "Call of Duty" soldiers win the war. The 31-year-old Chris Rider began playing video games on his family's Atari in the early 1980s.

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